
Subdomain helpers for the Django framework, including subdomain-based URL routing and reversing.


This application is available via the Python Package Index and can be installed with any Python package manager, such as pip or easy_install by running:

pip install django-subdomains


easy_install django-subdomains

It is highly recommended to use package version numbers when using this project as a dependency to ensure API consistency.

To install the latest version from the repository source, clone the repository and then run make install in the repository directory.

Quick Start

To set up subdomain URL routing and reversing in a Django project:

  1. Add subdomains.middleware.SubdomainURLRoutingMiddleware to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in your Django settings file. If you are using django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware, the subdomain middleware should come before CommonMiddleware.
  2. Configure your SUBDOMAIN_URLCONFS dictionary in your Django settings file.
  3. Ensure that you’ve set up your SITE_ID in your Django settings file, and that the Site.domain attribute for that site corresponds to the domain name where users will be accessing your site at.

Example Configuration

# This is the urlconf that will be used for any subdomain that is not
# listed in ``SUBDOMAIN_URLCONFS``, or if the HTTP ``Host`` header does not
# contain the correct domain.
# If you're planning on using wildcard subdomains, this should correspond
# to the urlconf that will be used for the wildcard subdomain. For example,
# '' will load the ROOT_URLCONF, since it is not
# defined in ``SUBDOMAIN_URLCONFS``.
ROOT_URLCONF = 'myproject.urls.account'

# A dictionary of urlconf module paths, keyed by their subdomain.
    None: 'myproject.urls.frontend',  # no subdomain, e.g. ````
    'www': 'myproject.urls.frontend',
    'api': 'myproject.urls.api',

Basic Usage

Using Subdomains in Views

On each request, a subdomain attribute will be added to the request object. You can use this attribute to effect view logic, like in this example:

def user_profile(request):
        # Retrieve the user account associated with the current subdomain.
        user = User.objects.get(username=request.subdomain)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        # No user matches the current subdomain, so return a generic 404.
        raise Http404

Resolving Named URLs by Subdomain

Included is a subdomains.utils.reverse() function that responds similarly to django.core.urlresolvers.reverse(), but accepts optional subdomain and scheme arguments and does not allow a urlconf parameter.

If no subdomain argument is provided, the URL will be resolved relative to the SUBDOMAIN_URLCONFS[None] or ROOT_URLCONF, in order. The protocol scheme is the value of settings.DEFAULT_URL_SCHEME, or if unset, http:

>>> from subdomains.utils import reverse
>>> reverse('home')
>>> reverse('user-profile', kwargs={'username': 'ted'})
>>> reverse('home', scheme='https')

For subdomains, the URL will be resolved relative to the SUBDOMAIN_URLCONFS[subdomain] value if it exists, otherwise falling back to the ROOT_URLCONF:

>>> from subdomains.utils import reverse
>>> reverse('home', subdomain='api')
>>> reverse('home', subdomain='wildcard')
>>> reverse('login', subdomain='wildcard')

If a URL cannot be resolved, a django.core.urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch will be raised.

Resolving Named URLs in Templates

The subdomainurls template tag library contains a url tag that takes an optional subdomain argument as it’s first positional argument, or as named argument. The following are all valid invocations of the tag:

{% load subdomainurls %}
{% url 'home' %}
{% url 'home' 'subdomain' %}
{% url 'home' subdomain='subdomain' %}
{% url 'user-profile' username='ted' %}
{% url 'user-profile' subdomain='subdomain' username='ted' %}

If request is in the template context when rendering and no subdomain is provided, the URL will be attempt to be resolved by relative to the current subdomain. If no request is available, the URL will be resolved using the same rules as a call to subdomains.utils.reverse() without a subdomain argument value. An easy way to ensure this functionality is available is to add django.core.context_processors.request() is in your settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS list.


For implementation simplicity, this template tag only supports the Django 1.5 {% url %} syntax with variable URL names. For more information, please see the reference documentation for url().

Indices and tables